Our Projects
We were established in 2019 to participate in the Teknofest 2020 Unmanned Underwater Systems category. Since then, we have implemented 2 underwater vehicle projects. In 2022, we aim to add 2 new vehicles among us! Here are our vehicles:
MTR-Beta: MTR-Beta, which is the first underwater vehicle developed by the Matiricie team; It is a light and compact vehicle with a 3D printed body design. Using a 6-engine configuration, this vehicle weighs only 3 kg!
MTR-Alpha: MTR-Alpha was developed to find solutions to the problems encountered after MTR-Beta; It has been developed in line with the Teknofest 2021 target with its double-decker chassis design, ease of transportation and powerful engines. The raw material of this vehicle, which is designed with a 6-engine configuration with higher thrust, is an engineering plastic called polyethylene, so it stays suspended in the water and can easily and balancedly make up and down movements in the water.
We are integrating our cumulative experience and knowledge pool into our new vehicles! All the setbacks and problems experienced for the Poseidon and RoboSub 2022 vehicles designed for the Teknofest 2022 Unmanned Underwater Systems competition were also taken into account, and work continued without slowing down to reveal the most innovative vehicle.
Software Department
It provides the necessary software for reading and interpreting the data coming from the sensors on the robot. It designs the necessary image processing algorithms for Autonomous Missions and writes the image processing codes using artificial intelligence. It enables the communication of embedded systems in the vehicle.
Software Operations

Image processing
Image processing is enabling the robot to perceive the image by using machine learning.

Embedded systems
Embedded systems are microprocessor-based hardware designed for a specific process. Some embedded systems on our robots; While it enables operations such as data reading, motor driving, serial communication, other systems provide image acquisition, image processing and movement of the robot towards the target.

It offers the opportunity to test and improve the image processing and guidance algorithms of the robot without requiring the robot to physically swim.
Mechanical Department
The mechanical department is responsible for the design of our robot. It aims to design with high mobility with equipment suitable for the tasks (torpedo, robotic arm, etc.). It analyzes the static and dynamic pressure which the vehicle will be exposed under water and creates the final version of the design by making revisions accordingly.
Mechanical Operations

Drawing via SolidWorks
The robot design is first drawn through SolidWorks. Then simulations are applied.

3D Printing
It is used in the production of specially designed parts in robot design.

Tapping Operation
It is called the process of opening a hole with a sharp tool called a tap. It is used for the connection points of our robot.

CNC Processing
It is used to process the robot chassis in accordance with the design.
Electronics Department
The members of the electronics department are concerned with the power distribution of the circuit elements and control cards we use in our robot and their placement in the robot, choosing the appropriate circuit elements and making an electronic design within the framework of our needs. It also deals with the connection of the vehicle with the power source and the choice of this power source (lipo, lithium-ion battery or ac/dc power source transmitting power from the surface).
Elektronik İşlemleri

Elektronik Devre Tasarımı
Belirli bir amaç için tasarlanmış, üzerine elektronik devre elemanlarının monte edildiği kartların tasarlanmasıdır.

Güç Elektroniği
Bütün bileşenler için gerekli gücün gerekli şekillerde iletilebilmesi için şema tasarımı ve uygulanmasıdır.

Lehimleme iki ya da daha fazla sayıda metal parçanın, görece düşük erime sıcaklığına sahip bir dolgu metali eritilip bağlantı yerine akıtılarak, tutturulması işlemidir.
Public Relations Department
The public relations department is responsible for advertising the team. Arranges sponsorship negotiations. Performs social media management. Also handles filing duties for the team. Designs the team website, the team t-shirts and the roll-up banners. In addition to the tasks, the recognition of the team and advertising tools such as websites and t-shirts are also evaluated in the RoboSub competition.
Halkla İlişkiler İşlemleri

Sponsorluk Görüşmeleri
İhtiyaç duyulan bütçenin karşılanması için projeye ilgi duyabilecek potansiyel destekçiler ile iletişime geçilmesi, sunulacak materyallerin hazırlanması ve sunulmasıdır.

Sosyal Medya Hesaplarının Yönetimi
Takım web sitesi ve diğer sosyal medya hesaplarında paylaşım yapılması, içerik üretilmesi, süreç hakkında bilgi verilmesi, takım tanıtımının yerine getirilmesi ve hedef kitleye ulaşma çalışmalarıdır.

Bütçe Yönetimi
Oluşturulan bütçedeki gelir ve giderlerin kontrol edilmesi, malzeme listesindeki satın alımların gerçekleştirilmesi ve gelen ürünlerin takibinin yapılmasıdır.